14 tips that have worked for us during our 14 years of marriage

This week we celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary. We decided to commemorate it by sharing with our friends 14 tips that have helped us grow as a couple during our 14 years of marriage.

I must clarify that we do not consider ourselves a role model, so this is not a prescription for everybody to follow but a description of what has worked for us.  We have faced many challenges and difficulties during our time together; if we were to make a list of the things that have not worked, the list would be much longer than this. Without further ado, these are our 14 tips:

1.    We are very jealous... with our privacy. We do not publish our couple problems, but we have sought help every time it has been necessary.

2.    Common finances. Regardless of how much one or the other earns, every penny that we receive is considered as our money. We always work together on the family budget, but the expenses are made by the stingiest one.

3.    Quality time alone together. We do our best to spend some time alone together as a couple every day; while trying not to neglect our children and our academic and social commitments.

4.    We pray together and for each other. We are aware of our need of God as parents, as a couple, and as individuals; that’s why we set aside time to pray together and individually.

5.    Be honest, but not cruel. In our relationship we recognize the need to communicate with honesty, but we try to overcome the temptation to use that honesty as an excuse for hurting each other.  

6.    Active sexual life. In the midst of the many occupations we attempt to keep the spark of marriage alive. Sex is a wonderful gift of God to be enjoyed in the context of marriage.

7.    We count our blessings. One of the strategies that has helped us to cope with new challenges is the review of how God has blessed us and helped us in the past. We actually keep a record of these blessings.

8.    We acknowledge our vulnerability. We are only human and, therefore we take precautionary measures to keep our marriage away from temptation. We have no private or secret friends or contacts. This precaution extends to our use of social media.

9.    We try to deal with conflicts as they arise. We do our best to settle all our accounts before going to bed every night. Resentment spoils life.

10. Sense of humor. We have learned to laugh at ourselves and to inject a drop of good humor in every situation before the tension takes control, although we do not always succeed:)

11. Physical attraction. The spiritual and character dimensions of life are essential, but we believe that it is also important to remain attractive for one another.

12. Forgiveness. We have discovered that the act of forgiving is one of the most difficult things in life; but we have also discovered that forgiveness is indispensable to keep any relationship healthy. In the midst of tears and on our knees we have learned to practice it, and this has helped our marriage to grow.

13. Altruism. Life has taught us that selfishness separates us from the people we love.  By supporting one another in our individual goals and dreams, we have come to enjoy life and marriage much more. We celebrate our victories and weep over our failures together.

14. Attention to the little details. No marriage grows or collapses overnight. Conscious of this, we try to pay attention to the little things. We recognize the value of the small sacrifices. Giving thanks for small favors, a homecoming and good-bye kiss, a little love message during the day, or a word of encouragement are some examples of this.

As we start our 15th year together, we entrust our marriage to God. We do not know what the future holds, but it is our desire that the LORD will continue to be our Guest and Permanent adviser, and that He will teach us to love one another as He loves us.

PS: Well, although there is a tip that is implicit in the previous 14, we want to mention it explicitly: Respect to each other’s individuality. We acknowledge the fact that we have different backgrounds and personalities, so we accept and respect one another. We need to remember this every day.

Aneury & Anita, Silang, Cavite, Philippines 25 August 2016


  1. Wow! Very wonderful tips and very inspiring! God bless you. Happy 14th Marriage anniversary.

  2. Thank you for sharing these important God-given tips for marriage. Following them definitely makes for a happy marriage experience! I know God will continue to bless you two and your family in your 15th year of marriage and the future beyond:)


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